Friday 5 November 2010

Lawson Pre-Production

Unfortunatly, The Band pulled out on working with me.

Lawson are a four-piece band based in London. Originally from Liverpool, Brighton, Nottingham and Sheffield; Andy Brown, Adam Pitts, Joel Peat and Ryan Fletcher all moved to London to follow their dreams. .... After months of searching for a singer/songwriter, drummer Adam found Andy. Within ten minutes of meeting each other over a Pear Cider, the foundations of Lawson had been laid. .... Andy and bass player Ryan (The Rhino) Fletcher had been friends for a year after both moving to London. Andy mentioned the idea of setting up a band together; Ryan agreed and introduced Andy and Adam to fellow northerner and guitarist, Joel. .... After a couple of jams, songwriting sessions, a few nights out, and some trips to London's Westfield shopping centre, the lads realized these were the friends they wanted to start the next chapter of their lives with. Lawson was born. .... A few days after the band posted an acoustic performance of their song 'She', the video was featured on the front page of YouTube. Lawson are now playing gigs around the UK including a slot at 'Wireless Festival 2010'.

My Digi Pack: For Their Song, "Red Sky"

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